Anonymize your connections and communications

Updated 17 September 2024

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    “ Encryption and anonymity, today’s leading vehicles for online security, provide individuals with a means to protect their privacy, empowering them to browse, read, develop and share opinions and information without interference and enabling journalists, civil society organizations, members of ethnic or religious groups, those persecuted because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, activists, scholars, artists and others to exercise the rights to freedom of opinion and expression.” (Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, David Kaye, to the U.N. General Assembly, 22 May 2015)

    This guide explains how to anonymize connections and communications to achieve a specific goal without leaving any traces. This strategy is particularly helpful in high-risk situations where your activities cannot be connected to your identity as this would compromise your freedom and wellbeing.

    If you need an alternative identity for a longer-lasting project (for example to keep your official name separated from your activities as a human rights defender), also read our recommendations on how to manage and secure multiple online identities.

    If you are thinking of using anonymity tools, consider that in some countries some of these are illegal or can be interpreted as a sign that you are doing something wrong. In such cases ask yourself if you could find other ways of reaching your goals, for example by using methods that don't require accessing the internet.

    Consider whether you really need anonymity tools

    We strongly recommend to use anonymizing tools based on Tor and to follow the instructions in the sections below, in these situations:

    • if you need to make sure that nobody can trace back some specific activities you are going to undertake to your official identity;
    • if censorship circumvention tools like VPNs are blocked in your country.

    In other cases, you may have needs that could be addressed through different, and probably simpler, solutions, for example:

    Learn why we recommend this

    Tor will make it almost impossible to anyone to spy on your online activities and trace them back to you as it encrypts and anonymizes all your connections (see an explanation of how this works in Browse the web anonymously below). However, if you need to protect yourself from snooping at the level of your local network and to avoid being profiled and tracked by your ISP and by commercial websites, there are other ways. In most cases your standard browser includes privacy settings that can address your basic privacy needs, and you can install addons to prevent tracking.

    If you would like to access blocked websites, hide your IP from the websites and services you access or avoid monitoring at the level of your ISP or local network, in most cases a VPN will address these needs.

    Get ready

    Learn why we recommend this

    If you want to make it as difficult as possible for anyone to trace your online activities back to you, consider that this requires thorough planning. Besides choosing a different name and creating an alternative identity (even if for a limited time span), you will need separate accounts, which can only be created through a phone number and an email address that cannot be connected to your official identity. You will also need devices that are secure and protected from malware and you should learn how to protect your sensitive data and what strategies you can use to keep your anonymous identity separated from your official one.

    Browse the web anonymously

    Learn why we recommend this

    Tor is a network that protects and anonymizes your connections by encrypting your traffic and sending it through at least three random servers (or nodes) in the Tor network. The last node in the circuit (called "exit node" or "exit relay") then sends the traffic out onto the public Internet. There are thousands of Tor servers, and they are run by volunteers around the world.

    The way most people use Tor is through the Tor Browser, which is a version of Firefox enhanced for better privacy. Tor Browser is free and open-source software.

    The Tor network does not keep logs about your connections or IP address. When you use Tor, your ISP can only see your connections to the first node in the Tor network and the websites or online services you visit only see that you are connecting from Tor and don't know who you are unless you reveal your identity, for example by logging in to a platform with your usual account. Read the following section of this guide to learn how to avoid common mistakes that could reveal your identity to the websites and services you access.

    Use Tor securely by avoiding common mistakes

    Anonymize all your connections

    Learn why we recommend this

    The Tor Browser only anonymizes what you do through the Tor Browser, like visiting websites or using online platforms that can be reached through a web page. If you want to anonymize activities that require different tools, like for example messaging apps or an email client, you need to anonymize all the connections coming out of a certain device, so you will need to use one of the tools listed in this section.

    Tails is a free and open-source operating system that runs from a USB stick, connects to the internet over Tor and leaves no trace on your computer.

    Whonix is an anonymous operating system that runs like an app in Windows, macOS, Linux and Qubes OS and routes all internet traffic generated inside its workstation through the Tor network.

    Orbot is a free and open-source application for mobile devices that routes internet traffic through the Tor network. With Orbot, you can anonymize all your connections or only certain apps.

    Chat anonymously

    • Read our guide on how to chat securely to choose a chat service that works for you. Ideally, choose a tool that offers end-to-end encryption and that allows to use a username rather than a phone number to connect with other people.
    • If a phone number is required to create an account on the chat app you have chosen, get a new phone number for your anonymous identity. If you need to get the phone number from an online service, use Tor to connect to that service.
    • If the chat service requires an email address to register, get a new email account over Tor. Read our guide on safe email to choose a secure email provider.
    • Only connect to the chat service through Tor, either by using a web-based chat through the Tor Browser or by using a chat app on a device that makes it possible to anonymize all your connections.

    Exchange anonymous emails

    Send and receive files anonymously

    Use Tor Bridges if you can't connect to Tor automatically

    [Advanced] Set up a whistleblowing platform to receive files anonymously

    Learn why we recommend this

    If you are planning to set up a whistleblowing platform to receive anonymous submissions, for example for an investigative journalism project, you can consider free and open-source software like SecureDrop or GlobaLeaks.

    SecureDrop is an open-source whistleblower submission system focused on security. The installation procedure for SecureDrop can be complicated, but the SecureDrop team offers support to the organizations interested in using it.

    GlobaLeaks is free and open-source software. It is easier to install and manage, but focused more on usability than high security, so it's recommended for organizations that don't have dedicated technical support and need an auditing, survey or file submission platform.